Gamification is a tool for the modern business which is used by reputed organizations for creating a new direction in meeting the goals. This tool has been mostly utilized by big brands in attracting and retaining talents. However, smaller brands can also use gamification apps for business to devise innovative programs and encourage the employees to enhance their core competencies.
In order to survive the competitive market each and every company tries to be unique in serving the customers. Gamification is regarded as a suitable technique through which companies can gain a competitive advantage. Thus gamification in business has become a trending topic for discussion now a days. According to the nature and scope of the business, you can find different types of gamification apps available. Depending upon your requirement you can choose the most suitable one. Also you can consult gamification companies to develop customized apps for meeting your desired purpose.
Let us go through this blog post to understand how gamification when utilized in business can resolve issues smoothly.
Talent Retention: Approximately 87 percent of the business leaders are of the opinion that retaining top talent has been a key priority for the business. This is mainly because low retention of the employees result in increased training costs, loss of expertise and reduced profits. If you fail to retain your team they will be targeted and attracted by your competitors.
Gamification Solution: Market reports suggest that on an average 65 percent of the employees are eager to avail training opportunities for increasing their abilities so that they can rise to the places of power and position. However this does not mean imparting long and monotonous lectures or browsing through long content slides. Gaming mechanics such as Leaderboards, Experience Points, Badges etc make the learning experience enjoyable with encouraging rewards, healthy competition and well defined goals. With the right kind of training approach you can retain your employees. When the training becomes rewarding and fun, quitting jobs will be the last thought in the minds of your employees.
Employee Engagement: Majority of the business fail to adapt to the desired changes because of lack of employee engagement. However, on the other hand, you can increase your team’s productivity when your employees are deeply involved in their roles and responsibilities. You can easily understand why. Once your employees are emotionally bonded with your business they will put in additional efforts for achieving it. Now the question is how can you increase the engagement.
Gamification Solution: The best way to engage your employees is to give acknowledge their contribution or efforts. When the employees will feel that their contribution is being recognized, they will be more inclined towards the company. With the right tools you can easily manage this. Virtual rewards are probably the best way to celebrate and recognise your employees’ effrots. Praise Badges can be awared to the employees by their respective managers to show special appreciation. This can definitely boost the mentality to work as a team in executing challenging and complex tasks.
Retaining Intellectual Capital: All of your employees have a fixed working tenure. When your employees retire they normally take their intellect with them. Problem arises when your retiring employees keep their learnings or advice confined to themselves rather than sharing it among others.
Gamification Solution: Storing the lectures or presentations shared by the leading professionals within an organization is very vital if you are keen in retaining the intellectual assets. Discussion groups are apt tools for succession planning. It helps in creating ample space to experience the expertise along with training others to fill the roles of future leadership.
The discussion groups can focus on important topics where the subject matter experts provide appropriate solutions. Leaderboards can be added to the groups so that the conversation can become more effective. The contributor can earn points each time when he/she comments in the groups. In this way the competency level of the employees can be identified and future managers and leaders are picked up.
Success Evaluation: Each business department has some worth to prove. You can take the training department as an example. On an average companies spend certain amounts on training which is not fixed. But for investment in training the companies expect equal if not more returns. But the question is how the worth invested can be justified.
Gamification Solution: After successful completion of the training, the employees can climb the leaderboard and go up by earning virtual rewards. The higher the employees go, the more they are benefitted with the training content.
Conclusion: So by going through this post you can now be aware what gamification in business means. The gamification companies can offer customized services to any types of businesses if they want to retain their potential employees. From the above discussion you can know how gamification apps for business can help in engaging employees towards meeting business goals.
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